Let me introduce myself. First, I am God's child. Next, I am Shawn's wife. He works a ton so I can stay home and tend to the herd. Then, I am Ethan (11), Evan (7), Faith (5), and Leah's (2) Mommy. Finally, I am me. I've recently celebrated the first anniversary of my 29th birthday. This year I have decided that being thirty isn't terrible. It's only the beginning. No more excuses. I'm moving on.

Monkeys on the Bed

Unhappy Leah
Friday, July 26, 2013
Isn't God Funny?
Isn't He just the most hilarious? I mean, of course he has to be funny, right? He made giraffes. And toddlers. And husbands. I think sometimes God leans back a little and lets out a giant belly laugh about the funny things He does. And that's what brings me to where we are right now. After some recent events, it's looking like it's pretty likely that my seventeen-year-old sister, Chelsea, is going to be coming to live with us. So that's Ethan, Evan, Faith, Leah, *Ella, *Abby, and Chelsea. Seven. Seven children. I find myself asking, "God, are you sure? Do you really think we can handle seven kids? Why us? Are we going to be the fodder of years of counseling sessions? Can we keep an entire psychiatric practice in business just by screwing up these seven kids that you seem to think we can keep up with?" And on and on it goes. But this isn't our plan, it's His. So, I guess for now Shawn and I will just sit back and enjoy this crazy ride that's called our life.
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